Write an email in support of IWFM & Farmers Markets

Dear friends of the Indianapolis Winter Farmers Market,

IHPC (Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission) must approve a temporary variance modification to allow the IWFM to operate at the Chatham Center, 901 N. East St. Zoning of the site generally exempts food-based businesses from operating in this building. The variance is written specifically to the dates and hours of operation of the IWFM, and does not extend to any other food-based operation during the market dates or in the future. The Chatham Arch Neighborhood Association overwhelming voted in support of the temporary variance modification.

Now we invite you to express support by taking one or both actions below:

1) Email your statement of support to Meg Purnsley, mpurnsle@indy.gov by noon Oct. 6,th to let the city know that you support the temporary variance modification for the IWFM to operate at 901 N. East St.

Furthermore, this is an excellent opportunity while we have the ear of the city to let them know that you value the inclusion of services such as farmers market in the current and future planning of our urban neighborhoods, as they provide a critical role in building community, supporting the local economy, improving quality of life and encouraging efforts toward sustainable living & development.

2) If you live in a downtown neighborhood, you may also consider attending the IHPC public hearing Wednesday, Oct 7th, 5:30 pm @ City-County Building, Public Assembly Rm, 2nd floor, 200 E. Washington St. to express support in person.

This is a great opportunity for downtown Indianapolis’ neighborhoods to showcase the exciting possibilities of downtown living and be part of inspiring innovative, community-minded, locally driven development citywide. The IWFM is working with Mass Ave Merchants Assoc., Indianapolis Downtown Inc. and other dedicated individuals and organizations to bring quality of life services and events to our wonderful downtown neighborhoods, which we believe benefits the city at large by making these services available, as well as helping to positively shape the experience of visitors to the city.


