IWFM Vendor Profile: Project Endure

Every week during the Indy Winter Farmers Market season, we’ll be profiling one of our local vendors! You can find the full list of IWFM vendors and past profiles here.

Project Endure, third season at the market 
Indiana high school students work to make, market and sell granola year-round to fund a two-week outdoor adventure summer program that includes rafting, biking, hiking, climbing, camping and service learning.

Most popular item?
Our most popular item is our handmade granola and granola bars that are made every week by our students, their families and our trip leaders. We get our raw materials from The Good Earth in Broad Ripple and our preparation space from Indy’s Kitchen at 25th Street and Central Avenue.
Why should people shop at the IWFM?
We hope everyone takes the time to visit the Indy Winter Farmer’s Market to support all of the amazing farmers, chefs, artisans and bakers who work so hard to bring their unique product to you. We have enjoyed learning about all of our neighbors and friends here and how and why they love the work that they do and the items they sell.
What do you buy at the IWFM?
Some of our favorite items include cashew chili cheese from Raw Gourmet Delights, tea from Humboldt County Tea Co., blueberry and raspberry honey from Wildflower Ridge Honey and kombucha from Hidden Pond Farm.

Connect: news.projectendure.org | Facebook

