Dec. 21 Indy Winter Farmers Market Vendors

From kids’ crafts, to your last chance to shop for Christmas dinner staples and unique local holiday gifts, there will be something for everyone at Saturday’s market from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. inside the warmth of The Platform in the west wing of the Indianapolis City Market
From 10 a.m. to noon, kids can make Christmas ornaments using vegetables grown by IWFM vendor Eden Prairie! The activity is recommended for kids 4 years and older with supervision from a parent. Come to the Info Table to take part!

Here is the list of vendors who’ll be at the market this Saturday:

Funny Bone Farm

Natural Born Juicers (truck outside)
Sapori D’Italia
Shamrock Farm
Wild’s Apple Farm

To see all of the vendors who will be coming to market this season, click here.

