Dear friends and family of Growing Places Indy,

We invite you to share your GPI stories, memories, and photos to celebrate the impact of our community. Whether you join us in person or contribute online through our Kudo Board, your reflections are essential to capturing what has been cultivated through GPI over the last 15 years. 

REGISTER HERE to join us in person or CONTRIBUTE ONLINE.

A Season of Transition & Transformation
Growing Places Indy, alongside our community, has spent 15 years cultivating not just food but new ways of connecting and growing. Together we have grown produce as part of an ecosystem of local food ways. We have opened up new channels and partnerships for connections between farmers and consumers that have bridged food accessibility and affordability. We have also grown communities of practice, working together to illuminate how food apartheid has been created and is maintained and how to eliminate barriers, to recognize abundance, and to reimagine pathways to justice, equity and thriving wellbeing. If you are reading this, you have been a cultivator in this process.

GPI is in a process of significant change. As of September, the Indy Winter Farmers Market is now operated by 16 Tech, and we are working with JBNC to transition the farm at the Legacy Center. Looking ahead, GPI will either evolve into a new form or dissolve. As we navigate this transition, we want to hear from you—what seeds have you saved from your GPI experiences, and how have they grown in your own life?

Event Details
Date: Saturday, October 5, 2024
Time: 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. (Join for all or part of the day)
Location: Boner Fitness and Learning Center (727 N. Oriental St, Indianapolis, IN 46202)
Activities include:
8:30-9:30 a.m. – Mindful Movement with Laura
9:30-10:00 a.m. – Meet & Greet
10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. – Community Conversations, Story Sharing, Garden Activities
3:00-4:00 p.m. – Garden Social Hour + Garden Games

Enjoy community conversations, share your stories and memories, participate in garden activities, or simply enjoy the company of fellow GPI supporters. Food will be provided throughout the day. 

Can’t make it on October 5? A second event will be held on November 9.

Reflecting on (Y)Our Impact and Fulfillment Toward Mission
The mission of GPI is to cultivate individual, family and community wellbeing, through urban agriculture, access to fresh local food, and mind-body education. 

Our impact is measured through our community, as our community IS the impact of the organization. As GPI undergoes transformation, these gatherings and Kudo Board offer a chance to honor the incredible work accomplished by our community and dream about the future we build through our collective impact. Our community has always been the heart of GPI’s impact, shaping every opportunity, program, and outcome.

We have seen our impact not only in the number of people in programs or the pounds of food grown, but also in the ways each of YOU have taken knowledge, training, food, seeds, seedlings, connections, relationships, skills, inspiration and more from your experiences with GPI and created and cultivated in your own homes, gardens, organizations and communities. The spirit of Growing Places Indy lives beyond the container of the organization or its programs. It truly flourishes and continues to thrive through all of you!

How You Can Help – Share Your Story!
We’re collecting stories, photos, and other artifacts that will be curated on the GPI website through 2025. This collection will also include reflections and recommendations for ongoing food and wellbeing justice work. If you have ideas for additional ways to preserve and share this legacy, we’d love to hear them.

Let’s come together to celebrate, remember, and envision what’s ahead. Your voice is a vital part of our story. Thank you for being part of GPI’s journey!