10 Simple Ways to Celebrate Earth Day

April 22 will mark 50 years since American individuals, organizations, and politicians on both sides of the aisle came together to celebrate the very first Earth Day, and 30 years since the holiday became a global phenomenon. With the current pandemic, it’s even more important to take a moment and celebrate our planet while we still can. 

The first Earth Day (called May Day at the time) was held in 1970 in the US, and it’s often considered the start of the modern environmental movement. Since that first march against ecological destruction, Earth Day has evolved into a globally celebrated event, with festivities occurring in more than 200 countries.

In its purest form, it’s a day for people to step back, take a deep breath, and appreciate Earth in all its splendor. But for many people, Earth Day holds the potential to ignite broad environmental action. We put together a simple list below to help you celebrate.

Below is a list of small actions you can take to showcase your commitment to improving the environment:

  • Take a walk in your neighborhood or bike on your favorite trail. 
  • Invest in a reusable coffee cup or water bottle.
  • Make your home energy efficient.
  • Start a garden or buy a houseplant.
  • Use earth-friendly cleaning products.
  • Buy reusable grocery bags.
  • Cut back on eating meat. 
  • Recycle, recycle, recycle.
  • Start composting.
  • Support your local farmer by buying produce or a CSA

Lastly, the best way to celebrate Earth Day is to be kind to the Earth every day. Taking small actions can make a big difference. Remember, even one small change can make a big difference over time.

The original article was featured on bewellindy.co