Join us on Thursday, September 24, as our Executive Director Victoria Beaty, shares the Growing Places Indy story at “Uncover the Good” with the PLAT Collective.
This event provides Indy-area 20-and 30-somethings with a chance to connect over candid conversations with local non-profit leaders addressing their needs, how they’re helping shape Indianapolis and how you can support.
Joining Victoria will be Tyler Gough from Indy Urban Acres, Brandi Sasore from Meals on Wheels of Central Indiana, and Nora Spitznogle of Second Helpings.

Each of the community leaders will contribute their unique perspectives of food insecurity and food justice, eating local, and how access to fresh local food can impact a community.
“It’s an honor to be speaking alongside people who have contributed so much to the Indianapolis community,” says Victoria. “I’m excited to share my knowledge about food justice and to share my passion for providing fresh, local food to Indy residents.”
The mission of Growing Places Indy is to empower people to cultivate individual, family, and community wellness through urban agriculture, access to fresh local food, and mind-body education.
“Getting young people in our community involved in this kind of work is so important,” says Victoria. “We all want the Indianapolis community to continue to flourish, and providing access to food is a key factor in making that happen.”
You can tune into the event at 8:15 a.m. on Thursday, September 24 by going to the livestream on IndyHub’s Facebook page.