Our CSA Membership is Now Open

Our CSA program is now open, allowing you an opportunity to support our farm by committing to purchase shares of produce for a season. By being a member of our CSA, not only do you enjoy fresh, local, and seasonal produce – but you also get to engage with the land and the people that grow the food. 

It’s never been important than now to support your local farmers! If you can afford it, now is an ideal time to sign up for a CSA and is an effective way to show your support. Eating local boasts tons of health benefits, but it also benefits the environment.

Once you become a member, you will receive a box of locally grown produce from our farm each week beginning in June through August.

Ready to sign up and join our farm family? Visit the link here https://www.growingplacesindy.org/buy-a-csa to get started!

