Lettuce is Back! Plus Bicycle Tune-Ups @ IWFM, LLCs @ Traders Point

That’s right – come and get your first IWFM field fresh lettuce of the year!
Syd and Vikki Fields, from Fields Farm, got the first IWFM season started with us in November and now they are back this week with fresh “Field” lettuce. They have red and green varieties. The Fields may also bring starts for your home garden, including broccoli and kale. Come early, it is sure to go fast!

Dust off the cobwebs and get your bicycle ready for Spring!
Bicycle Mechanic Chris Hartley will be providing Spring tuneups at the
Winter Market April 25th. Drop your bicycle off during the Market from
9:30 to 12:30 and pick it up that same afternoon ready to ride.

Everything you need to get your bike ready to ride after a long cold winter:
Brake adjustment
Shifting adjustment
Lubricate the drive-train
Adjust headset and bottom bracket
Patch flats and inflate tires
Cobweb removal
Plus a comprehensive safety inspection to make sure you are ready to ride.

Spring special, only $30 (parts extra, cobweb removal offered a la
carte free of charge)

Chris will also be leading teaching some bicycle tune-up basics on April 17th at the Invoke Go Green workshop. Read more about this by-donation event below.
Traders Point Creamery Invites:
Small business owners, farmers’ market vendors, value-added and direct marketing producers, and any interested parties are invited to a presentation entitled:

“Choosing an LLC as the Legal Entity for Your Business “

Attorney Mike Buker of Ice Miller and Associates will lead a presentation on the benefits and drawbacks of incorporating as a Limited Liability Corporation (LLC) in Indiana. An overview of business entities, limitation of liability, and tax considerations will be discussed with the small business owner in mind. The talk will last approximately one hour and will include time for questions and answers.

The event will be held on Saturday, April 25, 2009 at the Traders Point Creamery Business Office, 9101 Moore Rd., Zionsville, IN 46077 and will begin at 1pm.
There is no cost to attend this presentation, but registration is required. Please contact Robin Hobson at robinhobson@gmail.com or 317-416-2924. The deadline for registration is Thursday, April 23.
This presentation is sponsored by The Green Market at Traders Point Creamery and Eagle Creek Nature Conservancy and Preservation, Inc., a recipient of a 2008 Farmers’ Market Promotion Program Grant from the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service.


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