After the Holiday season and a lot of heavy eating, how about getting back to our greens? A simple-to-make Salmon-Berry Power Salad may be precisely what your body is needing. Salmon boasts a wealth of nutrients that benefit health, especially your heart, as well as being high in Vitamin D, which helps with those winter blues – or should we say grays? Start with a base of SPINACH available from Farming Engineers Organic Produce or so many of our other produce vendors. Spinach is frequently referred to as one of the healthiest foods for human beings! Quickly pan grill your Wild Alaska SOCKEYE SALMON STEAK. We’ve used a splash of green onion oil, which is available at Sagara International Market – about 3 minutes per side.
Pour on the spinach base Brickhouse CHAMPAGNE RASPBERRY VINAIGRETTE and top with the salmon. Top with SWEET PEA MICRO GREENS, a specialty from Ecologico, and a great source of three chemoprotective agents: folate, antioxidants, and carotene. A dollop of Rising Creek STRAWBERRY GOAT CHEESE adds a creamy sweetness. For texture, we’ve sprinkled pine nuts and diced vine-ripe tomato, then added a bit more vinaigrette, salt, and pepper — fast, flavorful, and best of all, super healthy.