IWFM Vendor Profile: Home Ec.

Home Ec., second season at the market

Home Ec. makes seasonal small batch preserves using local and organic ingredients, and is based in downtown Indianapolis.

Most popular item?

My most popular items are Pineapple Vanilla Bean Jam, Four Citrus Marmalade, and Black Cherry Habanero Jam.

Why should people shop at the IWFM?
When you buy from local vendors the money goes directly into the pockets of people who are trying to make a living doing something they love, rather than giant corporations. Not only that, the food is better in quality, and often a better value because of that. It’s also a warm and welcoming place to spend some time during the long winter months.

What do you buy at the IWFM?
I almost always buy a papusa from 3-in-1 for my lunch. They’re so good! I love Wildflower Ridge Honey, and I use their honey and soap daily. I’ve traded with or purchased something from most of the other vendors at the market including tea, ice cream, coffee, wooden utensils, apples, greens, tote bags, pastries, herbs, feathers and cheese.

Connect: http://jessicaspreserves.tumblr.com/

See full list of Indy Winter Farmers Market vendors here!